college symbole

in 2002 , We established ISBTA college to teach best of the best bodyguards and security experts around the world.

in this college, you learn what you need as a bodygurd, First of all is Martial Arts !!  Also

  • Judo
  • Jujitsu
  • Muay Thaimuay-thai
  • Self -Defense
  • First aid
  • Sport Psychology
  • Rappelling
  • Stunt
  • Shooting Skills
  • Stress Management
  • Cold Weapons Skills
  • Skydiving
  • Paragliding
  • parkor
  • Underwater diving
  • Survival Skills

we offer three courses level that start at beginner and progress to professional, from 36 hours to 250 hours .

Also we  offer the certaficates that  based on your experiences , It means If you pass the college theoretical and practical tests in one of the above skills you can get your professional certificate  from ISBTA .

For more information or  join the classes , You can contact our representives in your country or contact ISBTA.